Seven Lakes National Park

Seven Lakes National Park

Seven Lakes National Park is one of Turkey's most beautiful parks and attractions, due to the diversity of trees, plants and flowers of 236 species such as oak, oak and pine trees. With beautiful colors, you feel like you are in front of a beautiful painting, with seven natural lakes in the middle of plants and trees, and natural waterfalls. The seven Lakes Park is located in the city of Polo

Activities you can do at the seven Lakes National Park

• walk through the seven lakes garden of Polo through its bridges and admire the beautiful color trees and plants that you can rarely find anywhere in the world, as well as the animals and birds that spread out in the garden such as squirrels and mountain cats. Sit on the shores of a lake to enjoy a full view of nature, where both the lake and the trees are located.

• you can camping if you like that activity to enjoy nature for a whole day or more, or to shoot the park at different times of the day. There are also photo competitions held within the park.

• the garden also offers a number of bungalows that you can rent in advance by the garden management, giving you some privacy and making it easy for you to stay for a full day inside the garden.

• if you are a fishing lover you can do this but after spring, the most famous fish you can catch from the lakes in the park are salmon, trout, and more.

• if you visit the seven lakes in winter, you can then go skiing on the grounds in this season.